DMX Effects Engine Real-time Generators
Lightjams Is a Big Effects Engine
All outputs are computed using real-time generators. This is very different from the step-by-step programming style of traditional lighting controllers and is a better fit for interactive performances. When doing step-by-step programming, you basically need to tell the controller all possible states, which is near infinite when dealing with interactivity and wanting to give more control to the performers.
Avoid Costly Custom Software Development to Encode Interactive Logic
Lightjams lets you define your interactive logic and boundaries using simple and powerful statements. Many things that previously necessitated the use of custom software programming can now be achieved with Lightjams alone. This greatly reduces the overall interactive installation cost. See the command line tips to get you started with the Lightjams scripting syntax.
Everything Is an Effect
Under the hood, be it a Wii axis or a midi note, it has a corresponding math function or variable. This allows you to manipulate and transform all inputs from the command line.
Organic Results
Shapes can be stretched, delayed, mixed, accelerated or slowed down, all in the most natural way possible. The result are movements, color changes and fades that looks real.
Add Your Special Touch
You begin by selecting an input in a few clicks and then continue your journey tweaking it by hand using the hundreds of functions and variables available. You can remap user input to follow a curve, add fade, delay, smooth and even set a movement threshold.
Hello Command Line
The full-featured command line editor with syntax highlighting, auto-completion, in-place help and unlimited undo/redo feels just right. Everything is there to support your creative flow.